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== minimare.quest ==      /░░|░| x
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quest for less

Hello World!


Welcome to minimare.quest, a simple static site about my journey into a simpler, more resilient and sustainable life. I will talk about tech, natural farming and eventually sailing. Most of the things I write about have a philosophical background.

Why a blog?

  • I have some things to share.
  • Static sites are cool.


Ever since I first read Masanobu Fukuoka’s book about natural farming (The One-Straw Revolution), I’ve been drawn away from the realm of technociety towards a more resilient way of life. We are children of Nature. Recent developements make us forget that. I’ve never achieved as sane a mind as during prolonged stays in Nature.


  • Book list
  • Tech guides
  • Why simplicity?
  • Poems, photographs