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== minimare.quest ==      /░░|░| x
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quest for less


post resource

A broadly categorized, work in progress list of my favourite books:


  1. Building a Better World in Your Backyard Instead of Being Angry at the Bad Guys by Paul Wheaton & Shawn Klassen-Koop
  2. The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

Self Improvement

  1. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
  2. The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy
  3. Stoicism for Inner Peace by Einzelgänger


  1. Ranger’s Apprentice Series by John Flanagan (also Brotherhood series)
  2. The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss
  3. Drachenreiter by Cornelia Funke


  1. Sailing the Farm by Kenneth Neumeyer
  2. Get Real, Get Gone by Rick Page & Jasna Tuta
  3. Den Wind im Gepäck by Marc Bielefeld

Philosophical and other stuff

  1. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
  2. Le Petit Prince by Antoint de Saint-Exupéry
  3. Sand, Wind and Starts by Antoint de Saint-Exupéry
  4. Im Westen Nichts Neues by Erich Maria Remarque


  1. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (English Translation by Jonathan Star)
  2. Practical Zen: Meditation and Beyond by Julian Daizan Skinner


guide tech

Really Simple Syndication allows for easy and fast delivery of content that you actually want.

  1. Install an RSS reader app like Feeder (Android) or Feedly (iOS)
  2. Add a feed. Mine is always linked to at the bottom of the page (RSS).

We get way too much unnecessary information shoved down our throats. A sane mind is more easily achieved if we just consume what we actually signed up for.

Many news and podcast sites also offer RSS links. The world of RSS is your oyster.


Hello World!


Welcome to minimare.quest, a simple static site about my journey into a simpler, more resilient and sustainable life. I will talk about tech, natural farming and eventually sailing. Most of the things I write about have a philosophical background.

Why a blog?

  • I have some things to share.
  • Static sites are cool.


Ever since I first read Masanobu Fukuoka’s book about natural farming (The One-Straw Revolution), I’ve been drawn away from the realm of technociety towards a more resilient way of life. We are children of Nature. Recent developements make us forget that. I’ve never achieved as sane a mind as during prolonged stays in Nature.

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